
Showing posts from May, 2020

Dashavatar of Lord VISHNU

Dashavatar of Lord VISHNU (Operator) Introduction:   Lord Vishnu (Palanakartha) is   one who responsible for each and everything leaving   especially on earth surviving through him ..mean to say Configures all on this Earth, well according to Hindu Purana   Tridev namely Lord Brahma   one who is   Generator (creator) and   Lord Vishnu is Operator          ( Palanahara) and Lord Shiva (Destroyer) in all together called GOD.              ALL Details mentioned as in “ VISHNU PURANA”. Lord Vishnu Praised by all   Deva and Mahan Rishi’s about him and his Leela’s   in every AVATAR ( INCARNATION). Avatar taken purpose only to Remain “ DHARMA ” on Earth.. means giving justice for innocent and destroy evil power. lets us see one by one about Lord Vishnu’s Ten Incarnations . 1)     Matsya Avatar (Lord Vishnu took Incarnation of Fish)   : Lord Vishnu why taken Matsya Avatar let us see-   when the time of Holocaust on earth with water everywhere that time Lord taken this Matsya (Fish) Avat


                  TEACHINGS OF VILLAGE IN BHARATH                              Villages are homes of Backbone of BHARATH (India).. Former's are called backbone of Bharath,(India) there is no doubt in that , because village is the first face and first platform of Human life.. everything   will start from Village filed for survive of life…    compare to city life village will teach us how to be down to earth, most satisfying life , less stress, more liberal , and unity and many ethical values we can learn only in village life… with Healthy life.. 1)       Down to Earth : ..   yes first and most thing will teach us how to down to earth and simplicity . In village Former's 99.9999%  are  depending upon farm Field only.. Basic and unique job will be agriculture of former's..farming in field getting good crops is the main task for them. Without former's no one can’t be survived we all are getting food from their source only.. so they won’t show their Egoism by providin